Sunday, May 17, 2009

Cry it out

I frequently feel guilty for enjoying TV, I feel that I should be doing something more worthwhile with my time, and yet there are shows that keep me coming back for more, even when I have other things I should be doing.

I've had a very stressful couple of weeks in Delhi with virtually no time off, so today has been a bit about catching up - I finally finished unpacking and am working on my laundry. But I did take a few hours off to watch the season finales of two of my favorites - Lost and Grey's Anatomy. And by the way, how great is today's technology, which means I can watch even from the other side of the world.

As I watched both episodes I became a soggy, crying mess and I realized there is a reason I enjoy TV - and it is one that is I don't need to feel guilt over. By crying along with these two old favorites I let go of some of the stress I've been feeling in a healthy way. I didn't lose my temper, I didn't bottle up what I was feeling, instead I cried it out. I'm grateful for the writers and actors whose talents give us these shows and which give me a reason to let go of my emotions for an hour each week.

For me, crying along to a favorite show is a cathartic experience that helps me deal with the stress of living so far from my friends and family and working in a very tense environment. So this week, I'm grateful for TV. Although I'd be more grateful if I didn't have to wait months to see what happens next.


  1. I like your perspective. I saw the previews for the finale of Grey's and it made me wish I'd watched the whole season. I may have to go on Hulu and watch from the beginning of the season...or rent it or something. I used to be faithful. I suppose I still am...just to other shows! I'm glad you had a good cry. I've had a few of those myself this week!

  2. Hey, I cry over commercials and country music! I am very glad that you had an outlet. Sometimes TV is the only time you get to yourself -- the only time where you get to CHOOSE what you are doing. We all need a little of such time! I'm thinking about you here. Can't wait until your next visit. :)
