Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I started to write the craziness of my life right now...then it didn't seem like it should be that crazy...so I guess I don't really have any great excuse for not posting. Except, I suppose, I have had other priorities this summer:

Taking my kids to Lake Tahoe and the sprinkler park.

Painting my front room.

Trying to deep clean my dirty house.

Preparing for birthday parties and baptism celebrations.

Getting kids ready to start school.

Going through my mom's possessions, the extensions of her life and the way she lived it...a privilege, to be sure.

Shuttling children to golf and gymnastics and swimming lessons (in Fallon).

Trying to grow a garden and keep a yard.

Taking pictures of babies and weddings.

Planning for trips to a wedding in Ohio and a family reunion in Florida.

Trying to keep my children clean, fed and rested.

I am sure that there's more...I just can't think of it all right now...I'm a little busy. Give me a month and maybe I'll be able to re-prioritize!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back to the blog!

    You have had a crazy month, don't know how you keep up.
