Monday, August 10, 2009

Julie & Julia

The true highlight of my week was my niece's birthday BBQ on Saturday - but since I'm planning to blog about that on my personal blog I had to search for something else to blog about here. So I'm going to put in a plug for a fun movie I saw with a good friend over the weekend, Julie & Julia.

It was so nice to go to a movie that was based on story telling and not special effects (not that I don't love a good popcorn movie) and it was also fun to watch such talented actors. Every time I see Meryl Streep in a movie I find myself spending the next several days about her amazing talent. It doesn't seem to matter what role she plays, she truly becomes someone else. I proved this by watching Mama Mia Sunday just to see her in an entirely different light.

Mostly I loved the movie for the trait both character shared - setting goals and then working like crazy to reach them. They had discipline and drive, and they found the things that inspired them in life. I hope to be more like them.

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