Sunday, October 4, 2009


This has been an amazing week.  I'm in Copenhagen with my mom, enjoying our first vacation together.  We've seen some beautiful sights and still have nearly a week to go (we leave for London in the morning.)  Its been incredible to experience the city and have some time for just the two of us.

As a bonus to an already great week, I was able to be with my friends from Rio here in Copenhagen as they were awarded the 2016 Olympic Games.  It was an amazing event for them, a big deal for my company, and incredibly satisfying for me personally.  

Hope to see you all soon back at good old SUU!!!

Monday, September 14, 2009


I think that most of my posts these days recount in some form or another how busy I am. I kind of feel like the busy-ness is never-ending? I've thought a lot lately about the talk that was given some time ago in conference on good, better, best. I feel like I fill up my time with a lot of good things, but my life often lacks the better and best things. So, I am putting out a plea to my dearest do you make sure that the better portion of your lives are filled with the best things in life? I am looking for some real, simple answers here. Please help me!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


It's been a lovely weekend in Delhi - the first full weekend off since I got here and I took full advantage. Hit the mall for a little retail therapy and relaxed. I also spent several very happy hours this weekend watching and re-watching the first two episodes of Glee. Its been a long time since I've enjoyed a show this much.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


I'm happy about a lot of things this week:
  • I'm halfway through this trip to Delhi
  • We completed a huge project at work
  • I booked a trip to Kathmandu in two weeks - my favorite place in this part of the world
  • My niece learned to say my name - and this weekend when she saw my picture she not only said Jamie - she added an adjective - Jamie cute. Best compliment I've received in a long time.
  • I've been in Delhi nearly 3 weeks and haven't been sick (a personal record for me.) It may have something to do with the fact that I brought a lot of food with me this time and haven't been eating out as much.
  • I got invited to Cancun in June with some of my Texas friends. I'll be dreaming of sandy beaches until then.
  • I found out a good friend is expecting and I'll be in the US so I can fly to Seattle for her baby shower and to catch up with my NW friends.
Hope your weeks were equally as good.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I started to write the craziness of my life right now...then it didn't seem like it should be that I guess I don't really have any great excuse for not posting. Except, I suppose, I have had other priorities this summer:

Taking my kids to Lake Tahoe and the sprinkler park.

Painting my front room.

Trying to deep clean my dirty house.

Preparing for birthday parties and baptism celebrations.

Getting kids ready to start school.

Going through my mom's possessions, the extensions of her life and the way she lived it...a privilege, to be sure.

Shuttling children to golf and gymnastics and swimming lessons (in Fallon).

Trying to grow a garden and keep a yard.

Taking pictures of babies and weddings.

Planning for trips to a wedding in Ohio and a family reunion in Florida.

Trying to keep my children clean, fed and rested.

I am sure that there's more...I just can't think of it all right now...I'm a little busy. Give me a month and maybe I'll be able to re-prioritize!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Laughter turns to pondering

When I drove past this sign this week it startled a laugh out of me.

I had plans all week to walk back to it to get a picture, which I did today. Trying to remember to grab the photo kept the sign in my thoughts all week and I found myself pondering. I found myself comparing the constant honking that permeates Delhi to those times in my life where I've kept my mind so busy with work and other noise that I can't stop to listen to the spirit. Makes me think that for my sake I need to find a little more quiet time once in a while when I can just focus on that things that really matter and not let the noise of everyday life drown out Heavenly Father.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Last week at this time I was celebrating at my baby brother's wedding reception, today I'm sitting in Delhi - things can change quickly.

The wedding was so beautiful, but for me the best part was sitting in the temple surrounded by my family and watching my brother and his new bride be sealed together for eternity. As I sat next to my grandpa who misses my grandma so much, it was a beautiful reminder that he won't be lonely for long, that they will be together again for all eternity.

It was also a reminder to me, that I am sealed to my family. I may not have a spouse, but I do have an eternal family. Knowing I can spend an eternity with these people I love so much is an amazing blessing.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Julie & Julia

The true highlight of my week was my niece's birthday BBQ on Saturday - but since I'm planning to blog about that on my personal blog I had to search for something else to blog about here. So I'm going to put in a plug for a fun movie I saw with a good friend over the weekend, Julie & Julia.

It was so nice to go to a movie that was based on story telling and not special effects (not that I don't love a good popcorn movie) and it was also fun to watch such talented actors. Every time I see Meryl Streep in a movie I find myself spending the next several days about her amazing talent. It doesn't seem to matter what role she plays, she truly becomes someone else. I proved this by watching Mama Mia Sunday just to see her in an entirely different light.

Mostly I loved the movie for the trait both character shared - setting goals and then working like crazy to reach them. They had discipline and drive, and they found the things that inspired them in life. I hope to be more like them.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Fresh Tomatoes

We had grilled burgers for dinner tonight, with tomatoes fresh from our little garden! Sooooo delicious! That is my good report today. And a little suggestion to those who haven't yet ventured to plant a least plant a big pot with a tomato plant next year. Nothing beats a fresh, home-grown tomato. These little guys aren't much to look at, but they sure do taste good!

Sunday, August 2, 2009


I took Sadie out last night and she kept trying to look at something on the lawn. I finally got close enough and realized it was a dead rat laying on my grass - GROSS! I decided to wait until today to deal with it in the hope that some animal would carry it away overnight (wishful thinking I know.)

This afternoon, I womaned-up and got rid of it myself. Which gets me to what I'm grateful this week - the lovely long handled shovel my dad bought for me when I bought the house. It doesn't do much digging, but it comes in handy. A shovel isn't something I would call beautiful until you really need it, and today it was one of the most beautiful items in my house.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Article on the Church in India


I was going to send this to Jamie only, but I'm betting we are all interested in this story!

Fleeting Days of Summer

Hello, friends.

Today I'm looking at the calendar and see that my last days of summer freedom are upon me. I am sad! I love summer, even more than I loved it as a child. I hope you all have enjoyed your summer as much as I have enjoyed mine. The time I've spent with Mark and the girls has been relaxing and fun.

I've been fortunate to see Jamie and Heidi in the past week! Ker, I'll be heading to Cedar City to see you this fall. Maybe I'll even spend the night if you have time! I so appreciate you all as great friends upon whom I can always rely.

Recently I was thinking about some of my favorite products that make me feel good:

1. MAC lip glass
2. Goat cheese
3. High-quality sheets and down comforters
4. Garlic presses
5. Air conditioning
6. Coco Mademoiselle parfum
7. Jane Austen books
8. Treadmills
9. Avon hand cream
10. My beloved computer

I can think of lots more, and maybe I'll add them later, but this is what I'm thinking of right now. :)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

July ... what happened to summer!

Dear friends,
I am trying to be faithful to our blog but feel at times I can't get into the hang of it. Since moving to Cedar I haven't had Internet service at home and I think this has not helped promote the casual Internet surfing. I'm sure it's a matter of time before I think I can't live without it and finally set up a home network again.
So today I thought I'd write a bit on getting over those embarrassing moments that occasionally creep into our lives. My last embarrassing moment happened a few weeks ago. I was on my way up to Park City for a conference and while munching on crackers and cheese, my temporary crown fell off. Now ladies, I'm sure we have all had some dental mishaps by this time in our lives but this temporary crown happened to be on my front tooth! At this point I was in Scipio and debating whether to just forgo the conference and turn around or keep going and figure out a solution on the way. After of a few minutes of feeling completely mortified I called my sister Kris and told her I was heading her way. The first thing she said to me when I arrived was this, 'You were right, you shouldn't go out in public until you get this fixed.' As for the nephews and niece they just stared and I'm sure Kris threatened them to be nice to Aunt Keri since she already feels bad about the gap in her mouth already. Needless to say, the next day I found a local dentist to cement the crown back on and joined the conference a day late but without a toothless grin.
So my lesson from this experience was how lucky I am. That this unfortunate situation I found myself in was but a moment and we all need to laugh at ourselves once in awhile. At at least no one was actually going to document this mishap for later.

Monday, July 20, 2009


My dad had knee surgery on Thursday, so my mom and I have done a house swap for the past several days. She's staying at my house so she is closer to the hospital, while I'm staying at her house to keep things going here.

After 4 days of taking on just some of her responsibilities I'm exhausted. I appreciate her more than ever. At the same time, it has been rewarding to spend some time helping out my grandpa and my parents. With all that they do for me, its nice to have a chance to give back to them once in a while.

I'm also happy to report that I've kept the dogs, cat and fish fed, I haven't killed the plants, and I've come up with something to cook for grandpa every time.

It's a lot of work running a house and taking care of more than just myself - I'm in awe of all of those who do it each day.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Fun Friends

This week I am grateful for friends who are doers...goers...planners. I am most grateful that they are willing to include me in their plans! I was nervous at the beginning of the summer...wondering what I would do with all of my children for more than three whole months? Now I know...just follow the the zoo, to the park, to Virginia City, to the swimming pool in Minden, to Lake Tahoe, and anywhere else they come up with to go. We have had such fun on these adventures and they have really brightened up our summer.

The greatest thing about these moms is that they are non-exclusive. They invite EVERYONE. There are no cliques, no groups. Just lots of fun and everyone included. Whoever is around makes the plans, then someone e-mails the rest, and someone else forwards the e-mail to everyone else who might not be on the original e-mail and then all who are able show up! It's fabulous.

Unfortunately, I have not taken my camera on any of these outings :( I didn't think it was a very smart idea to try to keep track of my three non-swimmers at the swimming pool AND try to take pictures of them! I might have been able to do it at the zoo... I will try to do better next week on the picture taking.

Thanks to the girls who do the planning and inviting! You've made our summer much more interesting and exciting!


Ever since I got home this trip I feel like I've been running trying to keep up with events or commitments I've made. Yesterday was one of the bigger ones - throwing a bridal shower for my brother fiancee to introduce her to our side of the family. For some reason I worked myself into a state of extreme stress over the entire thing. I wanted her to feel welcomed and I wanted to throw a good party.

Thanks to my sister and my mom I got my house cleaned up in a clutter free way it hasn't seen in a while (of course I didn't let anyone see the office or basement where I stashed all the clutter.) And we came up with a lovely menu. We had a good turnout and the conversation kept flowing in a way that I was able to dispense with the hated shower games.

Once the shower was over I headed down the hill to do a bit of babysitting. I'm not quite up to my sister's standard when it comes to managing both kids at once, but I sure do love them. And sitting there holding them in my arms really does remind me what this life is all about.

Today I had the luxury of sleeping in before church and then was able to come home and curl up with a good book for several hours - I don't remember feeling this relaxed in weeks.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Auntie J

I'm late posting again - I had this half ready to go on Sunday but couldn't find the pictures.

Since I've been home I've been lucky enough to spend a bunch of time with my family and it's reminded me again how blessed I am to have them. I may not be a mom yet (or ever) but my sister is kind enough to share her kids we me and I feel incredibly blessed to be a part of their lives. Even if Miss M has learned to say Sadie (my dog) before she figures out Jamie.

Here are some beautiful photos taken of them recently in my parents yard by a friend of my sisters who is just getting her photography business going - she's amazingly talented - although I do think she had some good talent to work with.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

More Miracles

My dad is officially engaged...see Nevada Brown for the post and pics.

My friend, Sheri's, bilirubin is down to a 7.0...lower than it's been since her diagnosis. She will start treatment this week. You can look here for updates on her

My friend, Jennifer, and her family have been fasting and praying to keep the little girl they are adopting. Birth father showed up and wanted custody. His heart was softened and they are now going to be able to adopt her and have her sealed to them. He will have some visitation, but she will be theirs.

My nephew, Monte, was able to go to an amazing camp for kids with special needs. That whole story is full of miracles. He has been really sick the last little while, so the fact that he was well enough to go and have such a fabulous experience is truly miraculous. Go to for the whole story.

"And now, O all ye that have imagined up unto yourselves a god who can do no miracles, I would ask of you, have all these things passed, of which I have spoken? Has the end come yet? Behold I say unto you, Nay; and God has not ceased to be a God of miracles." Mormon 9:15

I am reading Everyday Miracles by Jay A. Parry, a little book I found on my mom's bookshelf yesterday. Great, inspiring read. I highly recommend it.

Until next week...may you all recognize the miracles, both big and small, in your lives!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Ah, Disneyland...

You've probably all seen our pictures on Facebook, but we returned from Anaheim over the weekend. Our girls are at just that age where they are really taken in by Disney's magic and have the stamina to hang with it all day. We may never have such a time at Disneyland again. On the way home I was thinking about how little time we really have with our children as an overall percentage of their lives. I hope we can keep taking fun trips and making good memories with our kids. I know that we'll always remember Alice and Tinkerbell!

I'm also really, really proud of my students. We had a first place, a second place, and a 9th place at Nationals. They did so well! I think taking first at Nationals for rural Snow College students is really something. They worked so hard and really deserved to do well.

I can't believe that we are into July! My motto this summer: enjoy every day and don't get uptight. We'll see if I can actually do it! Hope all is well. :)

Monday, June 29, 2009


I have been attending the Gospel Principles class with Jeremiah, as he is the assistant ward mission leader. Yesterday the lesson was on the gifts of the Spirit. I was very touched as we talked about the gift of working miracles, and I am so grateful for the knowledge that our God IS a God of miracles. I have witnessed many and hope to witness a few more.

We are experiencing a miracle right now in our family. My dad has met a wonderful woman from Ohio and has been dating her since May. Her name is Patti. My little family and I will meet her this week, as she is coming to Nevada for a visit. I am very excited. I suppose some might say, "Wow, that was fast!" And, I suppose that, for those on the outside, looking in, without knowledge of all of the circumstances, it might be fast. There have been many precious and sacred experiences accompany this relationship. And somehow, miraculously, I am learning to reconcile my loyalty to my mom, my support for my dad, and the acceptance and love of a new friend. I simply stand in awe of a loving Heavenly Father who knows our needs and works daily miracles to see that they are met in most amazing ways. I will keep you posted...I expect only the best from our meeting this week!

Another miracle I am expecting this week is for my friend, Sheri. She is battling cancer. With the guidance of some of our mutual friends, many, many of Sheri's friends, family and others from various religions and beliefs, joined in fasting and praying for her yesterday. She had surgery this morning. I know that Heavenly Father is aware of her, too, and that He will work for her good, also.

What a blessing are miracles!


I'm a little late with this post but I took a computer holiday on Sunday and it slipped my mind.

This week I was reminded how good it feels to do something for someone other than yourself. For Father's Day this year I offered to take care of things at home so my dad could take my mom to our cabin for a weekend away, something they hadn't managed to do yet this year.

This weekend I stayed in Aurora and made sure my grandpa had his medicines and meals and took care of the dogs. It wasn't hard work (especially since my version of meals relied heavily on a microwave) but it felt so good to know that I was allowing my parents a short break and at the same time spending time with and helping out my grandpa.

I'm so grateful for having a family that is willing to step forward and help each other out. My parents have set an incredible example of the joys of living a life of service, I just hope I can equal them someday.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Being Silly

What can I say ?? My family is SILLY! Today I'm grateful for a sense of humor and the fun that summer brings. I'm getting ready to head out for the day (yes, I'm still at work) and the sun is shining and it's raining!!! Enjoy the summer season and savor every moment.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


All that rain Heidi posted about a week or so ago resulted in a beautiful surprise for me when I got home - an amazing view from my backyard. I don't think it has ever been this green or beautiful. It reminds me why I chose this house and makes the 15 minute drive up the hill very much worth it.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Enjoying Summer

Ladies, I'm off to get my hair cut this morning but wanted to make a post before I go. I'm still not too good at this blogging thing!

I think I just want to say how much I am loving summer. I can actually get all of my laundry done in one day now. During school I'm lucky to spread it out over a week! I can also get up at 8 a.m. if I want, which I love. I am sure the days will go by quickly until August.

I'm preparing to take students to the National PBL competition in Anaheim on Friday. Wish us luck! Mark and the girls are coming down to join us later in the week. I hope we'll have a good time.

Heid, don't stress about the house. One thing I have to do when feeling like you're feeling is just have Mark take the girls and go somewhere for a few hours. At least you can feel like you are accomplishing something without having to go back and clean it again 5 minutes later. I imagine your house is enormously more organized than mine in any case!

Take care, girls. Hope you are all well.

Monday, June 15, 2009


"Mine house is a house of order, saith the Lord..." HELP!! I feel like my house is so disorderly...disasterly, actually... Any great ideas for getting it together? I know this isn't much of a "...virtuous, lovely, of good report or praiseworthy..." post, but the disorder is weighing on my mind a lot. I need help. So any you could give would be greatly appreciated...

Charles Dickens

Jamie, I'm so glad your back!

I was reading last night and found this quote from Charles Dickens book The Pickwick Papers. I'm not sure why it moved me but I thought I'd share it with you this week.

"Let us leave our old friend in one of those moments of unmixed happiness, of which, if we seek them,there are ever some to cheer our transitory existence here. There are dark shadows on the earth, but its lights are stronger in the contrast. Some men, like bats or owls, have better eyes for the darkness than for the light; we, who have no such optical powers, are better pleased to take our last parting look at the visionary companions of many solitary hours when the brief sunshine of the world is blazing full upon them."

Heidi, I love the picture of the kids in the rain. They look like they are having a blast.
Have a great week ladies!

Thursday, June 11, 2009


I made it - I survived 6 extremely hot weeks in Delhi - best of all I did it with my sanity in place.  I think I'll actually be able to handle this new work schedule.  

I'm also starting to realize that as hard as it is to be here at times, it is worth it - I can know the challenges I experience here are making me stronger and more ready to take on what is next.

I know we are taught repeatedly in the gospel that being tested prepares us and makes us stronger if we persevere - I'm seeing proof of that in my life.  And as hard as it is at times, I'm truly grateful for the challenge.

Now if I could just find a way to appreciate the heat!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Rain, Rain

Last week, it rained in Reno for 7 days in a row. I don't think I have ever experienced that in Nevada. It was a beautiful thing. We all loved it!

The kids got to use umbrellas that are very rarely used for rain...

and Davis got to play in water...his most favorite past-time of all time...

It was truly a lovely week!

Sunday, June 7, 2009


It's sad but I think the best part about this week is that it is over and in four more days I'll be on my way to the airport.

However, the next best thing is something I've already blogged about - Katie C's project "Dear Me." When she sent the original note about the project a few weeks ago I immediately knew it was something I should do. I spent the next several weeks reflecting on my life and myself at different times wondering what I, knowing what I know today, would have said to a younger me. The reflection and then forcing myself to sit down and write truly was an incredible experience. It helped me work through some issues that I've been working on today.

Check out the blog where she's posting letters and if nothing else take a minute this week and reflect on what kind of letter you'd write to a younger you. Trust me you'll be glad you did.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Best Intentions


I must admit I still trying to get in the habit of writing on the blog. One must remember this is my first attempt and Jamie and Heidi are seasoned professionals. Today I'm grateful that I had the opportunity to spend an hour with potential students from the Paiute tribe. Having a chance to create those 'Aha' moments and share my love of education is one of the most rewarding parts of my job. It's been a rough last few months trying to deal with the daily stress of organizational management and sometimes it seems like the nothing is working according to plan. Having the chance to reflect on the good things gives me the strength to move on. So here's to making a difference in someone's life today!

Monday, June 1, 2009

School Options

I think I missed last week...? My only excuse is that the children have been finishing up their respective school years and, apparently, that is enough to throw me for a loop! Anyhow...that brings me to today's topic...the gratitude I feel for having options for my children's education...even in preschool and 2nd grade!

We have been trying for some time to figure out where Jeron should go to school next year. This year left much to be desired in the motivation department. I heard "hate" in the same sentence with "school" way too often. So, I have been exploring options. Gratefully, there are a few here in Reno. To make a long story short, Jeron will be attending Coral Academy of Science Charter School in August. It is a school that was started by engineering professors at UNR because the freshmen entering their programs weren't prepared to be there. The focus is math and science and they are a high achieving school. Jeron's only question for the 2nd grade teacher when we went to open house was, "Do you have science class at this school?" He is excited, and so are the rest of us!

I am also grateful for generous family members who are contributing in order to make his attendance possible. There are book fees, tuition, uniforms, and gas to pay thanks to Auntie Heather and Uncle Timmy for helping us out! I believe wholeheartedly that it will all be worth it! Here's to having options and the means to choose the not free ones!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Bubble Baths

I just got back from a relaxing trip to Dubai which is almost enough to kill my usual Sunday night blues. While in Dubai I found myself being very grateful for a lot of little things that made me feel at home:

  • A comfortable bed that I didn't want to leave
  • A HUGE bathtub full of bubbles
  • Starbucks - what can I say - I miss it
  • A Taco salad (which satisfied my craving for salads and Mexican food)
Most importantly I'm thankful that I'll be home again in just under 2 weeks!

Sunday, May 24, 2009


This week I am most grateful for having a weekend off.

Since arriving in Delhi I've worked every weekend. And by work I don't just mean checking in on emails or taking a few calls, I mean going in to the office. But somehow this weekend I managed to make things work out so I could avoid the office and spend a weekend relaxing and getting a few personal things taken care of.

I've got my laundry done, I hit the mall to buy presents for my niece and nephew. I went grocery shopping, I hit the ATM. I watched a couple of movies and I book a trip for next weekend - might as well go large and force myself to take two weekends in a row off.

But best of all, I paid a visit to my favorite mini spa here in Delhi and had a facial. I don't know what it is about Tania but spending an hour or so with her puts me in the most relaxed place - and my skin never looks better. It was exactly what I needed.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


I gave the lesson today in Relief Society on the Power of Forgiveness. I am grateful this week for the opportunities in my life to forgive and to be forgiven. I am grateful for the Atonement, without which, this power would not be. I have discovered that it is easier to forgive those I love. I have also found that when I am grateful for the other person in my life, it is easier to forgive. My favorite quote from Joseph Smith in this lesson:

"Suppose that Jesus Christ and holy angels should object to us on frivolous things, what would become of us? We must be merciful to one another, and overlook small things."

May we go about our days as mercifully as possible...have a marvelous week!

Cry it out

I frequently feel guilty for enjoying TV, I feel that I should be doing something more worthwhile with my time, and yet there are shows that keep me coming back for more, even when I have other things I should be doing.

I've had a very stressful couple of weeks in Delhi with virtually no time off, so today has been a bit about catching up - I finally finished unpacking and am working on my laundry. But I did take a few hours off to watch the season finales of two of my favorites - Lost and Grey's Anatomy. And by the way, how great is today's technology, which means I can watch even from the other side of the world.

As I watched both episodes I became a soggy, crying mess and I realized there is a reason I enjoy TV - and it is one that is I don't need to feel guilt over. By crying along with these two old favorites I let go of some of the stress I've been feeling in a healthy way. I didn't lose my temper, I didn't bottle up what I was feeling, instead I cried it out. I'm grateful for the writers and actors whose talents give us these shows and which give me a reason to let go of my emotions for an hour each week.

For me, crying along to a favorite show is a cathartic experience that helps me deal with the stress of living so far from my friends and family and working in a very tense environment. So this week, I'm grateful for TV. Although I'd be more grateful if I didn't have to wait months to see what happens next.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Spring Arrivals

Sorry I've been MIA for a while, ladies. I've been enjoying my time out of school. I was so happy when finals were over! I thought I would center my post around the new arrivals in our family over the past couple of months.

The first arrival was Quinn, Ali's first child, born on Valentine's Day. He is so cute! The photo is a picture of me with him at Ali's husband's graduation from the U of U last week. They'll be leaving for Michigan in August where Jeff will start dental school. Yay for them!

The next arrival was little Annie, Danny and Brooke's new baby, born on tax day. :) She is absolutely gorgeous!
The third arrival was at McIffs' barn! No name for this little filly yet. The girls were extremely excited about her arrival.
We are getting ready for a Sun Valley trip with my parents next week. I just love Sun Valley. Mark and I both spent time there with our families when we were kids. Luckily Sun Valley is within the Boise mission boundaries! Take care and keep up the posts. :)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Sunday, May 10, 2009


I was beginning to think that I am the only author on this blog...thanks, Jam, for reminding me otherwise. Stac and Ker...where are you!? I miss you!

Jadee and I planted our garden on Saturday. Jeremiah and Jeron will plant their garden this week. We are having a contest. I have perfect soil (vermiculite, peat moss, compost) and they have manure, mulch and topsoil. We're going to see who's garden grows more and better. Of course, the prophet said to plant a garden...he didn't say anything about the harvest! I believe that gardens are lovely...especially when you plant flowers amidst your vegetables...and definitely of good report! Have a happy week.

Back in Delhi

My Sunday is nearly over while yours is just beginning and I'm feeling bad for missing my post last week. My excuse - I was in the air and haven't had a chance to post since I hit Delhi.

The weather has been a bit of a shocker (it's been well over 100 every day - even hitting 110 at least once this week.) Making my new, shorter hair very much appreciated. Sometimes it really is the little things that can make a difference.

I'm also happy that I put big red (my gigantic red suitcase) out of her misery and switched to a large rolling duffel bag instead. This my seem counter intuitive, but big red weighed so much that I'm actually able to bring more stuff with me in the duffel than I could in the suitcase - which resulted in me being able to bring TP from home. I know that sounds silly, but good TP is high on the list of things I miss but cant' get here.

I hope you are all well and that Stac & Heidi are enjoying a very lovely Mother's Day. Keri - you'll have to wait with me until they decide Auntie's deserve a day too.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


This week I have been testing 1st and 2nd graders for Pacific Research Associates and Nevada Department of Ed. It's a fun little job that pays a wage, mileage and lunch, if I have to go out of town. It's made me think of my education, the experiences I have been afforded, and the associations I have been blessed with. I have this little job, which provides a little extra income, because I prepared...starting way back when I went to college. I think the saying goes something like: Luck is when Opportunity meets Preparation. Or maybe it's something girls will let me know?! Anyhow, I am a lucky girl...because I have prepared, and because I have been blessed with opportunities. For this, I am very grateful.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Oh, To Be Loved

This is what I came home to tonight:

Tangible evidence that my sister loves me and thinks about me. She is one of the most thoughtful and generous people I know.

Tangible evidence that I will see every day of my life in this house that my dad loves me and has always worked for my well-being and comfort. (There used to be a wire shelf above my washer and drier. Apparently, I have not taken any photos of said wire shelf. Now, I have beautiful ceiling-high cupboards...fabulous.) My dad is another of the most thoughtful and generous people I know.

I am blessed to have many thoughtful and generous people in my life...this weekend in Utah alone:

-Claire Fogelquist made sure that we didn't go hungry Thursday night, as we were late for the pre-wedding dinner...enduring much persecution for her kind deeds

-Pat, Sid & Leigh Beckstead opened their home to us, shared their beds, food, hot water and cold medicine as only family would...we are so glad that they include us as part of their family

-Cari & Jesse Fairbanks welcomed us as true friends do on our unannounced visit to Landin's birthday party

-David & Marianne Hunt fed us the BEST food ever and let us hang out with family in their gorgeous home...they are consummate hosts

-Tricia & Bret Remington opened their home to us and let us come and go as we pleased...we renewed our friendship during the times that our paths did cross in their home

-JR & Lana Dansie shared their sweet son, Noah's, baptism day with us, fed us a delicious lunch and we caught up on each others' lives

-Jerry Higley gave us some money to help with gas for our trip home

-so many of Jeremiah's family visited and caught up with us and genuinely cared about what and how we're doing

We are so blessed by the love and generosity of friends and family. When I write it down, it's overwhelming! I am grateful for the true friends that I have found. And as for Heather & my Dad...Heavenly Father may have made us family, but we are friends by choice. I am grateful that they choose to be my friends. And to my sisters of 13 by 4...

There are many people that we meet in our lives

but only a very few will make a lasting impression in our minds and hearts.

It is these people that we will think of often

and who will always remain important to us as True Friends.


You are true friends, and I thank a loving Heavenly Father for the blessing of having you in my life!

Simple List

As I pondered what was worthy this week of a post, I realized I was mostly grateful for the little things:
  • The snow at my house has finally melted - and even this weekend's snow wasn't enough to cause me to get out the snow blower again
  • I attended a great photography class, where discovered I have so much more to learn, but I'm excited to take on the challenge
  • Baby T is growing and doing well and his sister is adjusting to life with a baby in the house
    and I've been able to spend plenty of time with them
I do have to say how great it is to reflect each week on the good that has happened in all of our lives. It really helps me battle the Sunday night blues.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Wicked and More

Hello, my friends.

I'm not great at this blogging thing, but I really love reading your posts!

We had a very fun weekend. We took the girls to Wicked last night. They LOVED it! The production was great, we sat on the 2nd row, and the girls got autographs after. They were in heaven the whole night.

I love the story of Wicked. I like that someone thought to frame a popular story around some very important concepts.

While I'm raving about things I like, I have to say that I am loving two books right now. I finished "Two Cups of Tea" a couple of weeks ago. Wow. That has to be one of my favorite books. Right now I am listening to "1776" on CD. I am totally loving it too and can't wait to go on a New England tour someday. I'm always open to new book recommendations! I'll be finishing up finals next week and can finally have a chance to read again!


My little brother, Tim, graduated from Army Blackhawk Flight School this week at Fort Rucker, Alabama. Thanks to the generosity of my big sister, Heather, the goodness of my Aunt Arva and Uncle Ron in staying with my kids during the day, and the support of my dear husband (that's a lot of blessings right there!), I was able to fly out to witness this great accomplishment in his life. I am so proud of him! He has worked hard and been so dedicated to learning this new skill. He is amazing! My heart swells with pride and gratitude for my brothers (all three), who are willing to put their lives on the line to protect our freedoms. Their accomplishments and dedication are definitely "...of good report or praiseworthy...".This may be a little known fact among friends and family...if I'd not married, my plan was to join the Navy and fly helicopters. Tim scheduled time for us to fly in the Blackhawk simulator...what a RUSH! I hovered...not an easy task... "To fly is human, to hover is divine." I also attempted a traffic pattern. I'm sure that if I had more education and training, I could fly that baby. So, it was like a dream fulfilled for me, something I'll no longer have to wonder about, "Could I do that?" I think I could!

We also played Rock Band on the x-box...has anyone played that game? SOOOOO fun! I think I'll save my money for a Wii and Rock Band.

Bottom line: Graduation Day was a GREAT day!

New Arrival

What is it about the birth of a baby that reminds you what life is really all about. Is it there perfect innocence, trust and dependency? Or is it the beauty when they open their eyes, or the way the fit perfectly in your arms? I'm not sure what it is, but I do know it is an amazing experience.

My nephew arrived safely as planned this week. Both he and mom and doing well. As an added bonus I've got to spend lots of time with my niece this week and while she hasn't yet added Jamie to her vocabulary, she has added Grandma and it sounds very sweet.

After a blessing this big, it isn't hard to find many things to be grateful for in my life.

The Power of WOW

Good morning dear friends. I have to say I really enjoy a quiet Sunday morning when I have a chance to reflect on the happenings of the week. This weekend has been one not soon forgotten with my brother in law entering the waters of baptism and becoming a member of the church. What an amazing opportunity to witness this event and see the progression that he and his family have made. How fortunate we are to know that we all have the chance to make significant changes in our lives that can lead to boundless blessings. The true meaning of joy was manifested to me this weekend and that ladies makes all the difference.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


We all have people in our lives...the people who give us those opportunities just when we need them. I was able to visit with one of those people in my life this week. Her name is Roberta, and she was the Director of Federal Programs in Fallon. I haven't seen her for probably three years. She is the woman who hired me to teach ESL Kindergarten in Fallon back in 1999. I was so grateful for that job. When I quit to have Jeron, she found "just a little something" for me to do in Even Start. I eventually took over the program, which allowed my husband to go back to school and allowed me to have a flexible enough schedule to work full time and be home with Jeron and then Jadee. I loved that job. It was my perfect job at the perfect time, and then the not-so-perfect time. Jeremiah graduated and got a real job and we moved to Reno, so I had to leave that job. Roberta had retired the year before and her successor left a huge gap in the department, so I was okay to move on.

During my conversation with Roberta on Monday, she expressed to me that Even Start was never so great as when I was at the head. That's really saying something, as she wrote the original grant 18 years ago and ran the program all those years before I took over. She is an amazing woman. So much of what I know about leading people in the professional world I learned from her. She always believed in me and my abilities and really gave me wings to fly.

I loved talking with her again. She helped me with the issues I'm having with Jeron's education. When I told her I've been thinking of going back to school to be a marriage and family counselor, she told me I'd be good at that, that I have the ability to be empathetic, yet realistic. Then we talked about my mom dying and she listened and empathized. I am so grateful for the many roles she's played in my life. I am grateful to know that she is still out there, ready to help in any way she can. She truly is a lovely person, worthy of good report.

Good Friday (Thursday and Saturday)

Happy Easter!

I've had a busy and productive last few days which makes me very happy.

It started Thursday when I got to help my new sister-in-law (to be) shop for wedding dresses. It was great to spend the time with her and to share in her joy.

Friday, I decided since Good Friday is a no-work holiday in most of the countries where we have people working it would be a no work holiday here in the states as well. So I got up early and spent the day doing some work around the house I've been trying to get to for months. I got my bedroom closet and drawers cleaned out and even better, I FINALLY got my office cleaned out and organized. Come Monday, I'm finally able to start working out there. I'm hoping this will give me a separation between my home and work (not to mention keeping me out of the kitchen most of the day!)

Best of all was Saturday. My parents brought my grandpa up and we spent the day at my sisters. We BBQed, watched Miss M find her Easter Eggs and put together a playset for her in the backyard. It was fun to spend Easter with my family (a rare event for me.) But most of all it was amazing to see my grandpa light up when Maggie was around. I haven't seen him that full of joy in a long time.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Victory at State PBL

I was away all weekend with my PBL students in Ogden. We attended the annual state competition. I always worry before we go. I worry that we won't win any awards. I worry that someone will have car trouble on the way. I worry that I will forget the projector and laptop. I worry that someone will miss their test. And on and on.

Fortunately, everything went very well! My students won lots of awards and everything worked out in the end. Ten of our 13 students qualified for nationals. We'll be traveling to Anaheim in April. The Anaheim PBL trip was the only one I went on as a college student, so I'm excited to go back again with my students. Now we just need to raise $10,000 so everyone can go!

I've really enjoyed reading your entries, girls. Thanks for the great idea, Jam. I look forward to reading about your "good news" every week. Take care!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Something I Love

I am grateful this week to have been able to attend the Reno Bridal and Beauty Expo as a vendor, marketing my photography. What a blessing photography has been in my life the last three years. It was one of those almost immediate, in-your-face answers to direct and specific prayer. I am so grateful to a loving Heavenly Father who knows each of us so well and desires that we be happy and have joy in this life. Photography is joy for me. I am not perfect at it...disconcerting for a perfectionist...but more often than not, I get something salvageable. I love to capture moments and personalities. I am hoping for some more wedding bookings this wedding season. Cross your fingers and say a prayer for me!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

You've gotta love Phil

My highlight of the week was meeting Phil, the host of the Amazing Race. I'm usually not one to get starstruck, but I must say adventurous men from New Zealand are welcome to visit Cedar City anytime. When you get a chance check out Cedar City on his daily blog at

What really struck me about Phil was that he invited his father to join him in his adventure. It was sweet to see the love between him and his father. You could tell they really enjoyed being together.

I hope each of you had a wonderful week and may we all gain a treasure talk from conference this weekend.


It is so nice this morning to be able to sit down with my mom and watch conference. After more than 3 years of hoping my internet connection will stay up long enough and work well enough that I can hear conference that way. It feels like a rare treat to sit in front of the TV in Aurora and watch conference. But, I am also incredibly grateful for the fact that I've also been able to participate in conference no matter where in the world I've been.

A talk from Elder Wirthlin in the October conference, "Come What May and Love it" has gotten me through the last several months, and I'm very excited to discover a new talk to guide me this year.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Solo flight

I'm running off to class, but my good news of last week is that Alexis flew to Boise all by herself. I think this is a good step towards independence. She stayed for 4 days and we picked her up last night. Here's to early training for female independence and responsibility. :) Let's hope we can keep it up!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Comments's not nearly as fun if no one comments. So, please comment.

A New Calling

I was released from my calling as Primary President today. I have served in that capacity for almost three years, after 5 months as a almost three and a half years in the presidency. I was very blessed with great counselors and teachers and other leaders. We had fabulous primary children...anywhere from 50-75 on any given Sunday! Although I loved being in Primary and served with great people, I was ready for a change. good report this week is my new calling...Relief Society teacher on the 3rd Sunday! After Ward Librarian, I think this would be my choice for best calling EVER! Can't wait for three weeks!

Friday, March 27, 2009


I've spent the week in Denver at a conference for work. Like most conferences there was a exhibition area with booths of people with things they wanted to sell or promote. Since I had no room to bring home the various giveaway items, I spent little time wandering through the booths. I did however stop and drop my business card in a bowl at the Copenhagen booth.

Imagine my surprise yesterday when I got a call telling me I had won two tickets to Copenhagen in October. Let's just say it was my lucky day - and something of "good report" for me to post this week.

Sadly, I did miss the opportunity to be congratulated by the Crown Prince - but there is always October.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Just Who Will You Be?

As we all are searching to figure out what life has in store for us. I thought this might give us something to ponder this week.

Just Who Will You Be?
Since we are close to graduation,I wanted to share an address given by Maria Shriver to her nephew’s graduating class, after spending some time struggling with her identity, going from being an award-winning journalist and news anchor to governor’s wife to house wife (because her son reminded her that the people elected Arnold, not her). These are her thoughts after delivering the address. It is from her book, “Just Who Will You Be?” published in 2008 by Hyperion, New York. If you have the opportunity to read the book, I highly recommend it.
Remember that we are starting midstream and it has been edited for space...
by Maria Shriver
I had told [the graduates] “the only way to find a life of meaning and joy is to find your own voice, follow your own heart, and live your own life, not an imitation of somebody else’s.
But then it hit me over the head. I realized I was still looking to others to tell me who I should
be, instead of answering the question for myself. My friend said to me, “Maria, you have a choice. You can spend the rest of your life trying to measure up, trying to figure out and then fulfill other people’s expectations of you – or right now, you can make a decision to let all that
go. And you can start by talking about what you know, what you feel, what you think. You can
start talking about just who you want to be!” For this people-pleasing, legacy-carrying, perfection-seeking Good Girl, that was a news bulletin– because that’s exactly what I’d been struggling with for the last few years. I felt like I’d lost who I was when I’d lost my job. In my
mind, I’d even lost my name, because after all, when people came up to me in the street all excited now, they’d ask me, “Aren’t you Somebody? Aren’t you famous? Aren’t you the Kennedy who’s married to the Governor?” And I wanted to scream, “Hey! I’m ME! I’m MARIA!” After all the years I’d struggled to make a name for myself people didn’t seem to know who I was anymore. And the truth is, I’m embarrassed to say, I allowed that to chip away at my selfworth. I felt like a shadow of myself. And I found myself wondering on more than a few occasions, “If I’m not that newswoman on TV anymore, who am I?”
[My] plan was to go back to work as soon as my husband was reelected. But then something happened. I stood up at my husband’s inauguration and recited a Hopi Prayer that I’d come across in a book. It goes like this:
We have been telling the people that
This is the eleventh hour
Now we must go back and tell the
People that this IS the Hour.
Here are the things that must be
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relations?
Where is your water?
Know your garden.
It is time to speak your truth.

In the days that followed, I read that prayer over and over again. Those questions resonated
deep inside of me – and I struggled to answer them. I went to a beautiful place, and I sat. I thought. I breathed. And I asked myself, “If this is the hour – how do I want to spend it?
What do I want to do with it? Do I really want to go back to the TV news business – and if so, why? Do I want to try to churn out another best seller – and if so, why? Do I want to try to be the best First Lady California’s ever seen – and if so, why? If it’s time to speak my truth, what is my truth?” All I got were more questions. And then when I came home, I started really paying attention to what was on television news these days. It seemed to be all about actors overdosing and former sports stars getting in trouble and actresses getting DUIs. I knew deep down that when I went back to work, those would be the kinds of stories I’d be doing, too. It made me realize that the news business had changed – and so had I. So I picked up the phone, called NBC, and said, “I’m not coming back.” For the first time in my life, I had no plan of action. And where
I come from, that’s a big no-no. I’d been taught that if you weren’t doing, if you weren’t serving,
if you weren’t accomplishing and accomplishing big – then youreally weren’t being. You weren’t
even seen. So with no new high-profile goal of my own, I was in unchartedwaters. I had been living a life of privilege, power, and fame – filled with all the excitement, glamour, and high drama peopledream of – but now when I stood still, I felt empty. And that scared me to death.
For me, it was a moment of truth to realize deep in my soul that the old solutions – the external
fixes that had motivated me for so long – just didn’t work for me anymore. It shocked me. And
that sent me on an inward journey to answer the question: Just who did I want to be? When I reflected on that question, I realized I’d been answering it wrong my whole life. I’d always answered it with my resume’. But the true answer, I saw, is about my heart, my values, and
my soul. Who I am, not what I am. We worry, “Am I fulfilling my parents’ expectations of me?”
“What will my friends think of the school I’m going to?” Later on we worry, “Will they like the
person I fell in love with?” and “Will people be disappointed with my career choice?” And then it’s “What will others think of the way I’m raising my kids?” or “What will they think if I decide
not to have kids? Or decide not to get married? What if I gain weight or show signs of aging?”
Well, I now see that who we are has nothing to do with any of that outside stuff.
What I’ve learned on this journey is that I have worth as a human being – not just because of the job I have or the resume’ or how I look or who I married or the family I was born into. I’ve learned that we’re all worthy of being loved just for being ourselves. I’ve also learned it’s OK to
change. Sometimes it’s not just OK, but mandatory. You can let go of some beliefs that may have
served you well along the way, but just don’t work for you anymore. We’re supposed to grow
and evolve. We have to give ourselves the permission and freedom to stay open to change.
I’m not talking about running away or having plastic surgery or a dye job. I’m not talking about
throwing away our core principles and values and morals. I’m talking about exactly the opposite.
I’m talking about letting life’s experiences affect you and mature you. I’m talking about going
down deep and finding out where you’re at and where you need to go next. Life intervenes in many ways. People close to us pass away. New friends come into our lives.We go off to college or graduate school or move to another city. Children grow up and leave. Or our interests change, and we want to learn something new. We might remember old dreams and goals we once had and decide it’s time to work toward them. Or we’re just plain stuck and need something
different to jump-start our lives. That’s the time to unwrap theperson you are and ask the question, “Just who will I be?” I now realize that everyone I’ve ever met in my life who’s interesting, who has a life of deep meaning and joy, is still open to new answers to that question,
new opportunities for change and growth. It can be a seismic shift on the inside. Signing up for school on the Internet. Refocusing on your health and doing something real about it. Beginning and sticking with a spiritual practice. Committing to sitting quietly with ourself twenty minutes a day to see what you learn. The change doesn’t have to be huge, but it may have to be deep. A deep change for me was realizing I’d have to take the time to know what I feel, in order to know
who I am and who I want to be. The truth is I’ve always felt that “who I was” – my personal
story – was written and preordained before I lived it. That’s why I was scrambling to live
up to the myth, always worried others would think I wasn’t fulfilling my role. I now realize that’s no way to live. Many of you may also feel that you’re scrambling to fulfill your roles in everybody’s life but your own. You may feel you’re not entitled to show up as anyone but the perfect student, the perfect son or daughter, the perfect spouse or partner, the perfect employee or parent. You may believe you’re not allowed to think of yourself as separate from your job, your family, and all the other legacies you inhabit. But what I’ve come to understand
is that we are first and foremost human beings in our own right. We’re entitled to our own lives, our own dreams and goals, our own legacies. I’ve finally learned after all these years that I don’t need to define myself with a certain job or a certain name or a certain role in order to tell myself who I am. I’ve learned that all my roles are simply a part of me – but they’re not all of me.
I’ve learned that by looking at myself apart from my roles – by softening and taking off some
of the armor I put on as a child and wore my whole life – I can more clearly see and feel the people around me. Now that I’m not so obsessed about whether I measure
up to other people’s expectations, I’ve found a new gentleness and kindness in myself, for myself
and for others. What matters most to me now is what I expect of myself. What matters to me now is that I know myself – what my heart feels, what my inner voice is telling me. So just who am I? Well, I’ve been amazed to discover that inside that tough, dutiful, responsible girl who always worked about what everyone was thinking and always “got with the program” – why, there’s actually a free-spirited, adventurous, and creative person inside. That’s who I am.
And Just Who Will I Be? I’ll be Maria, but not the same Maria with the same motivations I
had in my twenties or my thirties or my forties. And that’s a good thing. I will continue to work on issues that are important to me – like trying to give a hand to help people out of poverty and shining a light on extraordinary things women are doing all over this country. I will continue to be of service in my community, because that helps give my life meaning. I will continue to encourage my family to discover and pursue their own passions. I will continue to pass along
my life’s lessons, because that gives me joy. Remember: You are the only person on this planet
with your story. What’s the point of being here unless you share it, pass it on, and help somebody else? I will try to help my aging parents live with dignity because that gives me peace.
I will figure out what my own next job will be, and go do it. But most important, I will try
to live an authentic life that feels true to me – which means living life as myself, not an imitation of anyone else, and not the reflection of myself in anyone else’s eyes. Above all, I will be a work
in progress, because when I told my daughter, “I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up,” I really meant it. Meantime, who I’ll be is up to me. Same as it is for you.
Maria, meet Maria.

Monday, March 23, 2009

A Day Late and A Dollar Short

Since our Spa Weekend started the first of spring break for me I also took off last Friday and spent the weekend in Las Vegas. This would explain the post being a little late....sorry I'll get better.

Here are the highlights:

I won $125.00 on penny slots

I found some great sales and cute new clothes that I'm very excited to wear once it stops snowing

I realized it doesn't take a lot to make me happy. Just give me a sunny day and temperatures around 80 degrees.

Have a wonderful week my dear sisters.

Love and aoe,


Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Song by Heidi

Ode to Girls' Weekend
(to be sung to the tune of My Favorite Things from The Sound of Music)

One hour massages, and haircuts, and facials...
Steam baths, and foot treatments, highlights and green tea...
Shopping all day long and eating sweet treats,
These are a few of our favorite things!

When the kids cry, when the job stinks,
When we're feeling sad...
We simply remember our favorite things...
And then we don't feel soooo bad!

I love you girls! Thanks for a FABULOUS weekend! Since my weekend didn't technically end until I came home on's my best thing of the week!

Relaxing/Productive Weekend

I have been grading, working, or traveling day and night since I left the "party" last week. When Friday rolled around I felt an enormous sense of relief. The following list outlines the good things that happened Friday and Saturday:
  • I went out to dinner with Anne and Jamie; Marissa went with me and behaved well
  • I got all of my laundry done (a rarity)
  • I thoroughly cleaned my bathroom
  • I vacuumed and mopped my entire kitchen/great room floor -- no small job
  • We took the girls bowling, which I haven't done probably since college
  • I forced myself to accomplish all of the above before putting the girls to bed and watching Twilight Saturday night
My weekends are seldom productive, so I am very relieved when I can have one like this. My week was so crazy that I had to wait until today to find some good news to share! I look forward to your posts. :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Last night I was reminded of the beauty of cuddling with someone you love.

I was babysitting Miss M who woke up from her nap just after I arrived. When I went in to get her, she was crying and looking around the room like she was lost. I picked her up and her body curled into mine. For the next 45 minutes all she wanted to do was cuddle. She needed to be curled up against me, preferably with her head in my neck, not even her beloved Dora was enough to get her to leave her position wrapped up in my arms.

As someone who doesn't have a lot of cuddling in her life, that 45 minutes was incredibly sweet. I love that little girl and I love that she trust me enough to be the one she curls up with.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday Morning at Jamie's House

We are friends. We have been for years...some for as long as we've been alive.  We are sisters...sisters in the Gospel and sorority sisters, too.  The ties that bind us together run deep. This is the beginning of our blogging journey. We are committed to each contribute a weekly post that encompasses and celebrates all things "...virtuous, lovely, of good report or praiseworthy..." In so doing, we hope to develop gratitude, find the positive in every day living, and deepen our connection as friends.