Sunday, April 26, 2009

Oh, To Be Loved

This is what I came home to tonight:

Tangible evidence that my sister loves me and thinks about me. She is one of the most thoughtful and generous people I know.

Tangible evidence that I will see every day of my life in this house that my dad loves me and has always worked for my well-being and comfort. (There used to be a wire shelf above my washer and drier. Apparently, I have not taken any photos of said wire shelf. Now, I have beautiful ceiling-high cupboards...fabulous.) My dad is another of the most thoughtful and generous people I know.

I am blessed to have many thoughtful and generous people in my life...this weekend in Utah alone:

-Claire Fogelquist made sure that we didn't go hungry Thursday night, as we were late for the pre-wedding dinner...enduring much persecution for her kind deeds

-Pat, Sid & Leigh Beckstead opened their home to us, shared their beds, food, hot water and cold medicine as only family would...we are so glad that they include us as part of their family

-Cari & Jesse Fairbanks welcomed us as true friends do on our unannounced visit to Landin's birthday party

-David & Marianne Hunt fed us the BEST food ever and let us hang out with family in their gorgeous home...they are consummate hosts

-Tricia & Bret Remington opened their home to us and let us come and go as we pleased...we renewed our friendship during the times that our paths did cross in their home

-JR & Lana Dansie shared their sweet son, Noah's, baptism day with us, fed us a delicious lunch and we caught up on each others' lives

-Jerry Higley gave us some money to help with gas for our trip home

-so many of Jeremiah's family visited and caught up with us and genuinely cared about what and how we're doing

We are so blessed by the love and generosity of friends and family. When I write it down, it's overwhelming! I am grateful for the true friends that I have found. And as for Heather & my Dad...Heavenly Father may have made us family, but we are friends by choice. I am grateful that they choose to be my friends. And to my sisters of 13 by 4...

There are many people that we meet in our lives

but only a very few will make a lasting impression in our minds and hearts.

It is these people that we will think of often

and who will always remain important to us as True Friends.


You are true friends, and I thank a loving Heavenly Father for the blessing of having you in my life!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Heidi for coming to visit. It was the best suprise ever! I miss being close to you in reno, I hope that we will always stay in touch and see eachother whenever we can! Thanks again for the visit. We love you guys!!
