My little brother, Tim, graduated from Army Blackhawk Flight School this week at Fort Rucker, Alabama. Thanks to the generosity of my big sister, Heather, the goodness of my Aunt Arva and Uncle Ron in staying with my kids during the day, and the support of my dear husband (that's a lot of blessings right there!), I was able to fly out to witness this great accomplishment in his life. I am so proud of him! He has worked hard and been so dedicated to learning this new skill. He is amazing! My heart swells with pride and gratitude for my brothers (all three), who are willing to put their lives on the line to protect our freedoms. Their accomplishments and dedication are definitely "...of good report or praiseworthy...".

This may be a little known fact among friends and family...if I'd not married, my plan was to join the Navy and fly helicopters. Tim scheduled time for us to fly in the Blackhawk simulator...what a RUSH! I hovered...not an easy task... "To fly is human, to hover is divine." I also attempted a traffic pattern. I'm sure that if I had more education and training, I could fly that baby. So, it was like a dream fulfilled for me, something I'll no longer have to wonder about, "Could I do that?" I think I could!
We also played Rock Band on the x-box...has anyone played that game? SOOOOO fun! I think I'll save my money for a Wii and Rock Band.
Bottom line: Graduation Day was a GREAT day!
What a proud moment! I am so glad you were all able to be there to support Tim.