Sunday, April 26, 2009

Simple List

As I pondered what was worthy this week of a post, I realized I was mostly grateful for the little things:
  • The snow at my house has finally melted - and even this weekend's snow wasn't enough to cause me to get out the snow blower again
  • I attended a great photography class, where discovered I have so much more to learn, but I'm excited to take on the challenge
  • Baby T is growing and doing well and his sister is adjusting to life with a baby in the house
    and I've been able to spend plenty of time with them
I do have to say how great it is to reflect each week on the good that has happened in all of our lives. It really helps me battle the Sunday night blues.

1 comment:

  1. What photography class did you take? I have tried many times to enroll in a never seems to work out for me! Still, I need to do it!

    I am still waiting on some stats for that baby...did I miss them somewhere?
