Sunday, May 10, 2009

Back in Delhi

My Sunday is nearly over while yours is just beginning and I'm feeling bad for missing my post last week. My excuse - I was in the air and haven't had a chance to post since I hit Delhi.

The weather has been a bit of a shocker (it's been well over 100 every day - even hitting 110 at least once this week.) Making my new, shorter hair very much appreciated. Sometimes it really is the little things that can make a difference.

I'm also happy that I put big red (my gigantic red suitcase) out of her misery and switched to a large rolling duffel bag instead. This my seem counter intuitive, but big red weighed so much that I'm actually able to bring more stuff with me in the duffel than I could in the suitcase - which resulted in me being able to bring TP from home. I know that sounds silly, but good TP is high on the list of things I miss but cant' get here.

I hope you are all well and that Stac & Heidi are enjoying a very lovely Mother's Day. Keri - you'll have to wait with me until they decide Auntie's deserve a day too.


  1. I already think aunties deserve a day, and I think it should be today. So, Happy Auntie's Day to the both of you!!

  2. I am sad you had to go back to Delhi. I hope you are doing well! I wanted to have you go to the David McCullough (1776 author) lecture with me last week in SLC. It was great! I'm really getting into this historical non-fiction stuff. :)
