Thursday, June 11, 2009


I made it - I survived 6 extremely hot weeks in Delhi - best of all I did it with my sanity in place.  I think I'll actually be able to handle this new work schedule.  

I'm also starting to realize that as hard as it is to be here at times, it is worth it - I can know the challenges I experience here are making me stronger and more ready to take on what is next.

I know we are taught repeatedly in the gospel that being tested prepares us and makes us stronger if we persevere - I'm seeing proof of that in my life.  And as hard as it is at times, I'm truly grateful for the challenge.

Now if I could just find a way to appreciate the heat!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Call me when you come down this way. I am going to PBL Nationals next Friday, June 19 and will be gone for a week. I hope we can get together! Congratulations on making it through your 6 weeks. Way to go! :)
