Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Power of WOW

Good morning dear friends. I have to say I really enjoy a quiet Sunday morning when I have a chance to reflect on the happenings of the week. This weekend has been one not soon forgotten with my brother in law entering the waters of baptism and becoming a member of the church. What an amazing opportunity to witness this event and see the progression that he and his family have made. How fortunate we are to know that we all have the chance to make significant changes in our lives that can lead to boundless blessings. The true meaning of joy was manifested to me this weekend and that ladies makes all the difference.


  1. What an amazing blessing for your family! I couldn't be more excited for all of you, but especially J.

  2. How marvelous! I hope and pray to witness the same someday... Thank you for sharing your joy.

  3. Yay for Jake and for Karolee and for those adorable kids. What an amazing experience for you all. Thanks for posting. :)
